Everyone has heard the saying that time is money. This saying is actually a belief that dictates how we spend our time. If you do not believe this, the next time you are in a conversation with another, see how often the reference to money comes up. A money related reference could be work, school, meeting bills, vacation, hospitalization, insurance, fixing or finding transportation, and the list goes on. The reason we believe that time is money is because everything we value in time is directly related to money.
This is the problem; everyone understands that money cannot buy happiness, but what we have learned is that money is time. Another problem that emerges is this; what happens to time when we run out of money?
A global economic collapse is in the works, and this collapse will be impossible to avoid. This is because global understanding is focused on the paper that is being used to define whole collective value. It is this limited understanding of value that will collapse, not only the global economy, but time as well.
In order to understand what time is for, we must first understand that time is a dimension, and dimensions follow specific guidelines that are Universally mandated. These mandates were in effect long before our global paper society began. Because as a society, we do not understand the Universal implications that are involved in living in time, it is time to educate ourselves so we can be collectively in alignment with the dimensional specifics of this Universal Mandate.
The purpose of time is to fill it with Higher Value. This Higher Value comes from learning to understand what this Higher Value is. As long as this Higher Value remains intact, time will accommodate the purpose of this Higher Value. The problem that is occurring in the 3rd dimension is that the people have spent all of our time seeking paper value. Because paper value does not carry any understanding at all, once it is gone, the time that our world uses to define its reality in time will collapse.
That civilizations that have lived on the Earth in the past have also fallen prey to the same kind of false understanding of value that collapsed time for them as well is obvious. Yet, despite understanding that this occurred to ancient cities, our now global society did it anyway. The failure to learn from the past mistakes of other civilizations will now befall ours as well. This is the bad news.
With all bad news, there is always good news. Despite this good news, it is up to the people to take action that will determine, not only their individual fate, but the fate of the whole world. The choice to ride the value of money into the global economic collapse, which will ultimately collapse time, is a choice. This choice involves a lot of fear, and a lot of chaos.
There are lower forces at work here that we do not understand, If we did understand, we would reassign our personal and global value to save time for future generations. However, because we have been deceived into believing that this false value is real the linear timeline that we have been living on has come to an abrupt end.
Even at this, during the time that was granted to our world to invest in real value, our world has in fact invested in real understanding that would lead to Real Value. Protecting and preserving nature and the environment, and an innate desire to understand truth no matter what the cost has opened a doorway in time that will allow us collectively escape the ultimate collapse of time.
Thus, the good new is that we are being offered the means to invest in Real Value, which will ultimately protect our world. The alternative is to continue walking down a path where none exists. This path leads no where
It is up to us to assign new value to false paper value. This cannot be done according to what we believe we understand, as belief carries no weight in time. Belief is of the body, and it is belief that harbors false value that has been learned in linear time.
Learning to use the understanding that is being used to uphold false paper value in exchange for the understanding of Real Value can be done, but this must be learned. The global steps that must be taken to save our collective world from the collapse of time is a global project that involves using false value in exchange for Real Value. This Real Value is called a miracle.
Our understanding of how this value exchange will be made is not within our belief system to understand. Therefore, our understanding is not necessary. However, what is necessary is our willingness.
Our Free Will has been falsely introduced into accepting false value as real value. This is false value that is being protected by our Free Will. Thus exchanging false value for Real Value, or Miracle Value, is something we can do without understanding, but it will require faith.
This is the same kind of faith that the Israelite's offered when they left the false value that was being provided by the Egyptians. The Nation of Israel was fed up with this false value, so they left Egypt for a Promised Land of Milk and Honey. They could not see this land, nor could they use what they believed to get them into this land. The had to assign collective faith and trust that they were being led towards Real Value.
This is what we are being asked to do today, leave false value behind so we can find Real Value. The difference is, that this time we will be actively involved in learning to understand how to exchange limited value for Whole Real Value.
We are being invited to enter into a Universal Covenant to exchange the value of the old world for the Real Value of a Whole New World. This Whole New World is the Promised Land that we the people have been waiting for, so we could get on board for thousands of years. We can get on this train that will take us back across time, so we can discover the Real Value that is waiting for us, or we can continue to walk down a road that leads nowhere, or where we would really not want to be.
The monetary system is collapsing. The Universe has a Plan to help us globally avoid this catastrophe. The next move is ours.
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