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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

90% More Personal Power

90% of our reality is invisible. This being the case, if we are being deceived 10% of the time, doesn't this leave us open to 90% more invisible empty space that has not yet been explored. A whole new world could be defined in this 90% of empty space. The question must be asked, is the visible space that is being used to deceive within greater than the empty invisible space that carries what is possible to define a whole new world. Should we not be willing to make the effort to explore this empty space?

The 10% of the false deceptive value we are using to assign to our personal reality is filled with fear. This is why we do not explore this empty space. Miracles allow us to explore this space, and then assign new value into it. The way this is done is by exchanging 10% of body fear, which resides in the 3D body, for a 4D miracle, which resides in invisible time.

By learning to exchange body fear for a miracle, we would have access to 90% more power. Is this 90% empty space worth the risk of exploring? Instead of relying on the 10% of what we believe we know, what would it be like to have access to 90% more personal understanding?

All of this and more is being offered to us individually. By exploring Miracle Reform through miracle exchanges, we have the ability, not only to change our Self, but also to change the whole world.

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You Have Stolen Something from Heaven, Give it Back.

Even in our society, it is considered to be illegal for a tenant to sell a house that he is renting. Even paper laws will side with the real owners of the house, There are laws that provide the means to return said property to the appropriate owner.

In the beginning, the Earth was given to man to live on in peace and harmony. It was not deeded to him, and it certainly was not given to him to profit off of and destroy. Regardless of how the world views the Earth, it does not belong to an independent man, or even a group of men. It was given as a means for the whole world to prosper, become many, and fill the Earth.

This is the problem. Although the Earth was provided for our world to live on, what it was not given Rights to was the Spiritual Property Value that defines and protects Nature. This is invisible Universal Real Estate, which was not given to humankind, but was provided for humans to use.

The Natural Elements, which are defined as Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, are first defined in the abstract before they can be measured by form. These elements do not belong to our world, but have been used by the Planet Earth for thousands of years, or since the beginning. If the Natural Elements that surround the Planet Earth are withdrawn, the Earth and all its inhabitants will surely die.

The fact is, the Earth is a Universal Planet, and regardless of what this world believes, the Planet itself is protected by Living Law. These are the Living Laws that move through the Natural Elements that give life to the Planet Earth.

In the beginning, before the separation occurred, the Creator gave a commandment to the man and the woman, to become fruitful and fill the Earth. This commandment did not say that it would be permitted to sell the Natural Assets and Resources, while stealing the property and natural habitats of the animals that lived on the Planet Earth.

During the time it has taken to deface and mutilate the Planet Earth through a greedy need to possess global  power, a society that agreed on paper laws was made in an effort to override the Living Laws that protected the Planet Earth, human kind, and the animals that live on her.

It has taken thousands of years for humankind to be indoctrinated into a false paper currency, which now is used in every nation of this world. Undoing the unnatural restrictions that have been placed on, not only the people and the animal life, but also on the Earth itself, will take a Universal Plan to release the people from their paper bondage, as well as providing the means to undo the property damage that has been done to the Planet Earth.

The people who agree that reform is necessary to save the world, as well as the Planet Earth, must come together in unity to protect the Earth from further damage, as well as provide a solution for the paper economic climate of the world that calls the Planet Earth Home.

This is obviously not a Plan that will come from this world, but in fact will come as a Universal Solution that has been thousands of years in the making. This Solution will prevent the economic paper collapse, as well as protect the Planet Earth by placing her under the Living Laws, which will restore her to perfect health, as was intended in the beginning.

The reason we are being given this opportunity to save ourselves and our world is because it is impossible to change an Executive Order Proclaimed by Higher Justice. All Higher Justice is protected by Living Law. Although the purpose of the Earth has always been to house our world, this never gave our world the right to destroy her for the purpose of material gain.

The One Who went to rest until the End of Days has awakened. The Living Laws that He assignes Living Property Value to has been defiled. and Living Law will ultimately destroy our world if we do not accept the Universal Help that is being offered.

The weather patterns that are assigned value by the Natural Elements will continue destroying our world until nothing remains, unless we the people unify and agree to accept the Universal Remedy that is being offered. This IS the ONLY PLAN that will work.

Having an effect on Living Laws that have already begin the process of destroying our world will call on the people to accept a Living Plan of Action,, while protecting the paper global economy from collapse, until a new medium of exchange is globally decided on.

Only God's Plan for the Salvation of the World will work. The sooner we the people accept this Plan, instead of attempting to assign our personal meaningless solutions to an overwhelming global problem, the faster we will begin to see the global results that we will be contributing to. This solution is not of our world. It is a Universal Solution that uses miracles for the transformative shift in global understanding.

Make no mistake, our world can be destroyed, but this was never the Plan. We have been given Help and Help that knows, but it is up to us to learn what this Help is, and then choose it. The fate of our world is in the new miracle choices that are being offered to the people.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Exchanging Guilt for Love in Time

The purpose of miracles is to reassign guilty value to innocent value to everything we see in this world. Because what we have learned to see in this world is filled with the deception of guilt, it is only  possible to save our world by offering it the means to exchange guilty fear for innocent Love.
 Miracles are individualized expressions of whole perfect Love. Because the purpose of the miracle is to assign whole Loving value to anything that has been assigned to guilt, the miracle provides new evidence to see beyond guilty appearances that are accepted as being real. The only way this is possible is because of the fact that guilt is not real, and Love is.

This way of learning is so revolutionary, it will replace everything we have learned to believe about the past guilt we have accumulated in our personal life. This will also shift the global historical value that we have learned to accept as our inheritance. Guilt is NOT our inheritance, Love is.

Because all guilt is occurring in time, and because miracles work in time, the means to change the meaning and purpose of time is now possible for us as individuals. Investing in time without guilt will prove to be the saving Grace for us individually, and to prevent the complete collapse of our realty, the way we understand it.  

A miracle is new evidence that causes us to question the guilt that has encompassed our global reality into a global society of unreal expectations. These unreal expectations are war, hunger, disease, differences, paper laws, persecution, injustice, and material value that is defined as being greater than Self Value. Without guilt, these false global assumptions would cease to exist. 

All things that carry false value in our world carries evidence of guilt. Undoing this guilt is a major Universal undertaking that the people of the world must become involved in. People must become aware of their contribution to personal guilt, and the miracle means to collapse the guilt in time that is hovering over our world.

Miracles do not destroy the evidence that we are dependent on to understand our reality. Instead, they re-interpret this form into Value that can be wholly appreciated with New Earth understanding. Learning to assign the empty space that has been left once guilt has been dispelled allows the miracle to be assigned to this form.

Because the exchange of guilt for miracles is a revolutionary approach to dealing with individual, as well as global problems, we are entering a new phase of conscious learning. Once this phase of learning is complete, our world will at last know global peace. Thus, the Miracle Revolution is to first define Global Peace, and then we will individually have a creative say in redesigning a Whole New World.

Before we can step into the paradise that was promised to us thousands of years ago, we must first deal with the deceptive guilt that is hovering in time. Until this is taken care of, entering the New Earth will be delayed.

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The Veil of Guilty Sound

For thousands of years our world was living in a dense frequency of sound. This Sound Barrier was a Veil that separated us from the Creative Sound that is Universally shared. During these years, progress occurred very slowly, as the higher Creative Sound just trickled through slowly.

Before the modern era, if anyone happened to catch hold of this Creative Sound Frequency, they would also access the Creative Force that echo's throughout Universal time defined as Now. This would inspire them to connect to the Universal Creative Sound, and design something that was worthy of becoming a new thought movement. Because of the lack of global communication, this new thought movement would take a while to make its way around the globe.

With the advent of the breaking of the sound barrier that kept our world locked onto a linear timeline, the Creative Sound of Universal Time is NOW bombarding our world with a higher dimensional frequency, Although this Creative Frequency is being accessed, it is not being accessed with the same determination it was designed for. In other words, our global society is not emotionally advanced enough to use this Creative Frequency in the Now. Instead, it is being used under the same laws that were used in the past. These laws have to do with material wealth, greed. unjust treatment, bondage, force, manipulation, behavioral injustice, hunger, disease and the list goes on.

It is impossible to assign guilt or body fear to this New Creative Sound. In fact, guilt and fear are so unlike living in the Now, the linear time that our world is living in has become very destructive. If the people continue to refuse to listen to and hear the problem, it will continue to be very intense until they do.

Right now, the Earth is being reshaped so it can embrace this Creative Sound of Now. As the Earth is being reshaped, the unnatural sounds of guilt and fear will be destroyed. This is very good news, as anything that does not support Inno-Sense,body health, and higher emotional integrity, will ultimately be destroyed.

This destruction is occurring via Natural Law. These are Living Laws that our world ignores in favor of paper laws. The reason for this is because people do not understand Natural Law. Natural Law will not support guilt of body fear. For this reason, anything that does will be left open to the unnatural effects of guilt and body fear. These basically include what the Bible refers to as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. No-thing in physical form that supports personal guilt or body fear will be left during this cleansing process.

This this purification process is necessary, as it is impossible for the Creative Sound of Now to house any unnatural sound that is not in alignment with this Higher Frequency. This will obviously be an intense time for the people that live in this world. In fact, if this time of purification was not sped up, there would be nothing left of our world, but the Universe is kind, and provisions have been made that will shorten this period of time, but the people must be involved in this process. This means that they must begin to accept some response-ability for the global shift that is occurring.

Provisions have been made to help the people speed up their individual understanding of what it means to live in this new Creative Time Frequency. However, there is global guilt that must be undone. Undoing global guilt will in effect make a global shift in ways that are impossible to explain or understand until the process begins to take effect. The removal of global guilt will also impact at the individual level. It is therefore, not only in the best interest of the entire world, but also within the interest of the individual to begin a global project to dissolve the unnatural global guilt that is surrounding our world.

The Great Miracle Share is a global project targeted to dissolve global guilt. Because people have no idea how to do this, there is a Higher Plan that is available to us that does. This Plan has guidelines that must be followed to protect our world and the people that inhabit the Planet Earth.

The Miracle Investment Club offers us the opportunity to join together in a Universal Plan that does not focus on the real work, which is to completely eliminate global guilt. Instead, it focuses our attention the individual miracles that are designed to take the place of guilt, both individually and globally. Because our world does not understand the purpose of miracles, The Miracle Investment Club offers us the means to invest in them. Thus, the cause of guilt is exchanged for a New World Cause of Joy. The Effects of Miracles are defined in peace, and our personal and global emotional well being.

The old world is dying. Attempting to use miracles to fix the old world will be unsuccessful. The Miracle Investment Club offers the means to invest in the space in time where guilt supported the old world, and offer this now empty space a miracle purpose. It is on this miracle purpose that we the people can build a New World.

Never is the whole history of the Universe has anything of this magnitude been offered to any civilization. The Universe has a Plan to eradicate personal fear and global guilt with miracle reform. Please be willing to accept this Gift.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Ultimate Collapse of Time and /Money

Everyone has heard the saying that time is money. This saying is actually a belief that dictates how we spend our time. If you do not believe this, the next time you are in a conversation with another, see how often the reference to money comes up. A money related reference could be work, school, meeting bills, vacation, hospitalization, insurance, fixing or finding transportation, and the list goes on. The reason we believe that time is money is because everything we value in time is directly related to money.

This is the problem; everyone understands that money cannot buy happiness, but what we have learned is that money is time. Another problem that emerges is this; what happens to time when we run out of money?

A global economic collapse is in the works, and this collapse will be impossible to avoid. This is because global understanding is focused on the paper that is being used to define whole collective value. It is this limited understanding of value that will collapse, not only the global economy, but time as well.

In order to understand what time is for, we must first understand that time is a dimension, and dimensions follow specific guidelines that are Universally mandated. These mandates were in effect long before our global paper society began. Because as a society, we do not understand the Universal implications that are involved in living in time, it is time to educate ourselves so we can be collectively in alignment with the dimensional specifics of this Universal Mandate.

The purpose of time is to fill it with Higher Value. This Higher Value comes from learning to understand what this Higher Value is. As long as this Higher Value remains intact, time will accommodate the purpose of this Higher Value. The problem that is occurring in the 3rd dimension is that the people have spent all of our time seeking paper value. Because paper value does not carry any understanding at all, once it is gone, the time that our world uses to define its reality in time will collapse.

That civilizations that have lived on the Earth in the past have also fallen prey to the same kind of false understanding of value that collapsed time for them as well is obvious. Yet, despite understanding that this occurred to ancient cities, our now global society did it anyway. The failure to learn from the past mistakes of other civilizations will now befall ours as well. This is the bad news.

With all bad news, there is always good news. Despite this good news, it is up to the people to take action that will determine, not only their individual fate, but the fate of the whole world. The choice to ride the value of money into the global economic collapse, which will ultimately collapse time, is a choice. This choice involves a lot of fear, and a lot of chaos.

There are lower forces at work here that we do not understand, If we did understand, we would reassign our personal and global value to save time for future generations. However, because we have been deceived into believing that this false value is real the linear timeline that we have been living on has come to an abrupt end.

Even at this, during the time that was granted to our world to invest in real value, our world has in fact invested in real understanding that would lead to Real Value. Protecting and preserving nature and the environment, and an innate desire to understand truth no matter what the cost has opened a doorway in time that will allow us collectively escape the ultimate collapse of time.

Thus, the good new is that we are being offered the means to invest in Real Value, which will ultimately protect our world. The alternative is to continue walking down a path where none exists. This path leads no where

It is up to us to assign new value to false paper value. This cannot be done according to what we believe we understand, as belief carries no weight in time. Belief is of the body, and it is belief that harbors false value that has been learned in linear time.

Learning to use the understanding that is being used to uphold false paper value in exchange for the understanding of Real Value can be done, but this must be learned. The global steps that must be taken to save our collective world from the collapse of time is a global project that involves using false value in exchange for Real Value. This Real Value is called a miracle.

Our understanding of how this value exchange will be made is not within our belief system to understand. Therefore, our understanding is not necessary. However, what is necessary is our willingness.

Our Free Will has been falsely introduced into accepting false value as real value. This is false value that is being protected by our Free Will. Thus exchanging false value for Real Value, or Miracle Value, is something we can do without understanding, but it will require faith.

This is the same kind of faith that the Israelite's offered when they left the false value that was being provided by the Egyptians. The Nation of Israel was fed up with this false value, so they left Egypt for a Promised Land of Milk and Honey. They could not see this land, nor could they use what they believed to get them into this land. The had to assign collective faith and trust that they were being led towards Real Value.

This is what we are being asked to do today, leave false value behind so we can find Real Value. The difference is, that this time we will be actively involved in learning to understand how to exchange limited value for Whole Real Value.

We are being invited to enter into a Universal Covenant to exchange the value of the old world for the Real Value of a Whole New World. This Whole New World is the Promised Land that we the people have been waiting for, so we could get on board for thousands of years. We can get on this train that will take us back across time, so we can discover the Real Value that is waiting for us, or we can continue to walk down a road that leads nowhere, or where we would really not want to be.

The monetary system is collapsing. The Universe has a Plan to help us globally avoid this catastrophe. The next move is ours.

The Great Miracle Share
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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Passages Through Time

If we want to change the world, the next thing we must understand is how to make better use of time. Because time is a dimension, and our consciousness is compatible with expanding into higher dimensions, then it is quite possible to consciously exchange what we believe about time for a more advanced approach to it. In order to consciously accomplish this task, many of the false beliefs that have been established on the linear timeline must be re-examined. Along with this, our relationship to time must shift.

The belief that time waits for no one carries implications that we are consciously inept at making choices that could and would change, not only our personal relationship to time, but that of our world as well.

The belief that money makes the world go round is another belief that must shift. The time that we have been using to work hard to make money is contributing, not to our personal abundance, but to a small number of individuals who perceive their value as having more than that of the people of the world. If we do not change our mind about how time is being used make the world go round, then we will be expected to work hard to contribute to someone else's value instead of our own.

Put your money where your mouth is, is a saying that is used that implicates that money carries more value than our words in time. Time carries a frequency of sound. How much sound does money have compared to the words that you speak in honesty? Why do we trust money more than we trust each other?

The belief that the only way to resolve a problem, internally or externally, is through conflict. The memories of conflict have been recorded in linear time, and we continue to assign value to these conflicts either internally or externally. Anything that is recorded in time carries collective value. If we want to change the belief in war, then the value of conflict must be exchanged in time for new value.

The belief that disease has value and needs assistance has been recorded in time. Why are we assisting disease when we should be assisting health? Exchange the value in time from disease to health, and time will support  health instead of disease.

The belief that an artificially produced society will somehow fix the present problems our world is facing has been recorded in time. If a correction does not occur in time, we will eventually live in an artificially assigned society, This will occur, simply for the fact that time will support the collective value that is assigned to it. Artificial flow, artificial air, artificial lighting, artificial entertainment, artificially supported communication, artificial education that children are being conditioned to accept to live in an artificial world. Artificial medicine that supports the artificial diseases that we are assisting in time. Artificial science that supports the artificial technology that we have learned is necessary to live in the body. The list could go on and on here, and it is easy to see where our world is headed if we the people do not accept control of our own personal destiny, and that of our world. Where is our emotional integrity in all of this? If our emotions are erased in time, what will that mean for the people of the world?

The purpose of time is not to support an artificially assigned reality. Time supports emotional beings, not robotic facsimiles of people who have been programmed to believe that their emotions are invalid and must be controlled. Have we not learned this throughout our life, that what we do is more important that how we feel? this reasonable? If you work on the computer, does the individual you are communicating with through artificial intelligence really understand your emotions? It will not be long before emotional understanding is a thing of the past if we do not take heed of the time problem that is occurring right now.

The Universe is providing us with the means to put a halt to this artificially devised plan to take control of the people by eliminating their emotional content from time. The fact that this is impossible must be recognized, as the purpose of time is for the natural flow of our emotions to a define a season. The Bible states, "to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under Heaven." Thus, the purpose of time is to define a SEASON, not a physical body.

We are here to help define a Season, not live for a few years in time, and then die. This is not our purpose. There is always enough time for each individual to complete the season of their choosing, but the belief that we are individual bodies has us individually from this possibilities. Time should be measured in how long it takes to complete a season, not body years. Do you not see that we have been deceived, and are being manipulated and forced into a situation that will be impossible to escape? The Universe cannot impose a Plan on us that we do not want. It can only stand idly by until we the people become involved.

The means to change consciously change the evil plan that is evolving as you read this has been in effect for 6 thousand years. 6000 years ago, the linear timeline began. The purpose of this timeline was to deceive the people, place them in bondage, and serve the darkness. Without our emotional integrity, this is becoming a reality. However, the Universe does have a Plan to help us enter time and exchange this deceptive value that has been recorded there. The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now. The means to exchange the value in time comes to us through miracles.

Miracles WORK IN TIME, but we do not understand how to consciously direct them to change emotionless artificial value into emotional value in time. This is the purpose of the Universal Plan of OWN.

Every individual who walks in this world has a specific Plan devised just for them. However, this Plan will not go into effect for them until they agree to change their mind about their allegiance to what they believe concerning their personal value.

I am sharing this information with you because this is what I have been assigned to do. I have learned that by exchanging valueless emotions for real emotional value and integrity, it is possible to exchange everything I once believed for Whole New Emotional Value. This Emotional Value carries the Content of Heaven, and the truth of Self Value, which is now carried in time. I did this by learning how to make miracle exchanges in time.

What do you want? If you want to continue attempting to use the body to fix your external circumstances with material value, which by the way are occurring in time. Or do you want to consciously learn how to make miracle value exchanges in time, which is perfectly within your Right to ask for, and learn how to make.

The linear timeline has ended. It is the choice of the individual to either walk back across linear time and learn how to exchange artificial value for real value in time, or continue on as before. What I do know for sure is this, without real emotional value, the body looses its purpose and dies. This is called dying with your music still inside.

It is now possible to exchange artificial emotional value for real value. We have been given the miracles to help us make this exchange.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It's Time to Wake Up

If a world fell asleep for 6000 years, how long would it take for it to wake up? How long would it take for the people to realize that they have been asleep inside of a dark dream that seems like reality? If a world fell asleep for 6000 years, would the people be willing to awaken, or would they want to stay asleep? If they stayed asleep, what would be their fate?

In Ecclesiastes the Bible states that there is nothing new under the sun. Although it appears that our world has advanced in technological achievements by leaps and bounds in the last 100 years, the fact remains that the problems that have plagued our world for thousands of years have not changed. There is still war, hate, depression, disease, intolerance, guilt, prejudice, and the fear that imprisons people to the past.

It could be said that the global communication we use today has perverted our world in ways that were not possible before technology. The world has become darker as the world has become smaller. Technology and global communication cannot solve a problem it is part of. Something else is needed.

Instead of a new thought movement, a new movement of thought would lead us collectively away from the dream. It would allow us to begin to question what we have been taught in the past is real.

Is it possible to question reality? Is it possible to question if the sun will come up in the morning?Because the sun coming up in the morning is not just a possibility, it is in fact reality. There are certainties that cannot be questioned, yet there is a reality that belongs to the people of our world that has been distorted in such a way, we question what is real and what isn't. It is time to look a little deeper into the half truths that have been presented as fact. The thing that we must begin to ask, is what has been presented as fact reasonable? If it is not, then it cannot be real.

Is war reasonable? How about disease? How about, is it reasonable to believe that the Universe would allow the Earth to be destroyed by a handful of men who had a lot of paper value? If this was possible, would it then be possible for these few men to control the whole Universe with their paper money? How powerless do we really believe the Universe is? Could it be that we have been deceived into believing the impossible because we have fallen so deeply asleep in darkness that the only way we can awaken is if Light enters the dream to awaken us?

The Earth is not in danger, as it is not controlled by the paper laws that protect those with the paper money. The Earth is protected by Living Law. Living Law does not see the darkness, as it does not see anything that opposes the Light. Living Law will destroy anything that does not support the Light, simply by withholding its support.

This does not appear to be a big deal, however once all Light is withdrawn from individuals who are not supported by Living Law. The only thing that would be left is darkness, along with the fear that supports it. Imagine a life of just fear without Light. What would be the caliber of life in a place such as this?

The protected time that had been allotted to our world has ended. This is because linear time has ended. Any attempts to continue walking down the same linear path, and expecting the same result will prove to be a mistake. What happens when you walk down a path where the only Light that exists is behind you? Would you not turn around and go back towards the Light?

We have made mistakes that we are responsible for recognizing. These mistakes are what define the linear timeline, not in truth or reality, but in our own mind. These mistakes carry the darkness that we as individuals must awaken from. 

These mistakes are not real. That we believe they are real means that we have to awaken from the dream of our own making. What we have made, we can undo. The means to undo these fearful dreams are being given to us, but we must at least be willing to admit that perhaps we have been wrong.

The problem is, these dark errors are being protected by us. We protect them because we believe they are real. What we are protecting opposes Living Law. Reality does not need protection, as anything that does not harmonize with truth is simply eliminated because it lacks the content of truth to be identified as being such.

Living Law is a destructive force, in case you had not noticed. Have you noticed the intensity when you attempt to do something the way you used to do it in the past? Have you noticed that you feel ill at times? Do you recognize that you are feeling depressed more lately? These problems are coming from you.

If you attack the error in another you will hurt yourself. If you choose a material reward over your inner truth, you will suffer. If you judge, this judgment will be turned on you. When your words haunt you, it is because they are coming out of your darkness and are loaded with fear. If you wake up in the middle of the night with so much fear it is difficult to breath, this is the darkness that you are hiding from during the day.

This list goes on and on. Until you recognize that all problems in your life are in fact coming from you, and until 
your finger of blame settles on you, these problem will remain. Living Law will not protect you if you are wrong, and neither will karma. You cannot leave anything until you wholly Love it. Once you wholly Love something, you will know that you have, and then you can walk away.

These are internal problems and are indications that you are out of alignment with the Living Law that protects reality, and pressure will continue to build until Light has entered into the dream to set you free.

The time that we have entered comes with many blessings, but before the blessings there will be pain. This is pain of our own making. It is always our responsibility to take the first step by admitting that we have a problem. Until this occurs, we will attempt to either fix the problem by doing something we believe will help, or we will blame someone or something else. What kind of a Loving Universe would make our reality part of someone else's nightmare where we could do nothing except be angry? 

It is time to wake up. If you are not ready to accept responsibility for the monkeys in your own circus, at least be willing to admit that this hell that we are living in could not possibly be reality.


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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The 2nd Exodus

4000 years ago a cry went out from the people who had been enslaved in Egypt. The many were being forced into slavery to work for a few who appeared to hold the power over the many. This cry was so loud it was heard in the Heavens. The response from Heaven was, "Let my people go." I am sure everyone knows the rest of the story, yet how many relate this story to what is occurring today?

The fact that history repeats itself over and over again is not just a metaphor. The fact that it has taken 4000 years for the people of the whole world to have been placed in bondage to a few who seem to weld the power because they have the most money has not been lost on Heaven.

Do we really believe that this small group of people, who are attempting to take control of our world with paper can really accomplish this task? How much control is there really behind paper?

Take a look around globally and tell me how the materially made wars and politically assigned enforced taxes, and work ethics forced upon the people measure up to what is occurring with the unstable weather patterns that are afflicting our world. Who do we really believe is in control here, the few who are controlling the money, or is it possible that there is a Higher Authority in control here Who has heard the cry of the people for the second time, and is giving fair warning, to "Let the people go?"

Every 2000 years there is a major spiritual event that has occurred in our world, according to the Bible. The first major shifts in the Spiritual History of the world began 2000 years after the Great Flood. The event that led to the mass Exodus out of Egypt introduced Living Law, not just to the Jews, but to the whole world. Whenever a whole nation accepts a Whole Living Truth, it becomes One with the Whole World. Thus, when Living Law was introduced into the Nation of Israel, it became One with the people of the whole collective. In other words, the Living Words that define the Law became part of the history of our world.

If we fast forward 2000 years to the next event, a Man was born Who would be called the Prince of Peace. Okay, so what does this mean?

The Bible is not a religious book, it is one that defines a Spiritual Plan to correct an error that was recorded in the beginning. This error involved contaminating the Inno-Sense that would form an Innocent Foundation that a Whole World would be built on. Unfortunately, the Innocent, who were defined as Adam and Eve, were tempted into taking unto themselves a responsibility that would not only pronounce guilt and blame onto them, but this would continue on into the world we live in today.

The Plan to correct the original error was to last thousands of years, with every 2 thousand years introducing a major spiritual reform into our world to correct said error.

With the Birth of the Christ, the second part of the Plan was complete. This aspect of the Plan was to introduce Inno-Sense back into the world. The only way this could be done was if the Man was not tempted to accept any part of the deception that was introduced in the beginning. As it turned out, this Man was up for the challenge.

The Prince of Peace maintained His Inno-Sense even in the midst of betrayal and death. He did not lash out, nor did He blame. He simply remained peaceful, and in every situation He proclaimed His Inno-Sense and His Truth. Thus, the Foundation of Whole Peace was re-established in our world through this One Man's Inno-Sense.

If we fast forward another 2000 years, if we are in alignment with the Plan to liberate our world from the deception that occurred in the beginning, then the 2nd Coming of Christ, which everyone is waiting on, must occur after the 2nd Exodus. In other words, we cannot be liberated from what we believe and support to be our reality with no other recourse. Instead, we must be taught that there is another way, just as the people had to learn during the 1st Exodus.

The Living Laws that Moses introduced into our world have been set aside for material value, or paper dollars. Everything we believe in this world is subject to a false artificially produced monetary or paper flow. Paper cannot uphold Living Law because it cannot be emotionally influenced. However, we are deceptively emotionally influenced by the paper economy that seems to control us. Thus, we must relearn where real value comes from.

Have you ever heard that you are the treasure of Heaven? What do you think that means? Do you think that this might mean that your value can influence Heaven? If this is the case, is it possible that perhaps that you would want to establish this personal value by learning that there is another way to look at everything? This includes money?

The Second Coming of Christ will come, but not before we learn to honor our OWN Inno-Sense. A New Kingdom cannot be established if people do not understand how the Laws work that are assigned to this Kingdom. 4000 years ago, the Israelite's had to learn? Do we actually believe that we are better than them? Or could it be that more is expected of us than what was expected of them?

Before we can learn the Living Law that has been replaced with paper laws, there must first be a 2nd Exodus. This 2nd Exodus has been in the works for 6 thousand years. Wouldn't it be a pertinent question to ask what this Plan is, rather than expecting the King to show up before it is time? it logical or reasonable to believe that Heaven would expect us to live according to Living Law when we do not even understand what this means? If anything, truth is reasonable, and it is not reasonable to expect that individuals would be thrust into a reality they have not been prepared for.

We are all Royalty, as we are all the Inno-Sense of Heaven because we come from the same lineage. If we are going to rule a Kingdom, perhaps we first need to break free of the bondage issues that have enslaved us, and then we need to understand how the Law works so we can comply with it. Those who are waiting to be whisked away in some kind of a rapture, this is not going to happen overnight. Judging by past biblical references, everything is done with whole purpose and meaning. The people were always part of the process, and were always given an advanced warning, or some kind of invitation before any spiritual event occurred. Why would it be different today?

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Sacred Agreements and a Miracle Assurance Policy

A Sacred Agreement is a Living Agreement. It is designed to replace the paper agreements that we have learned to make in linear time. Because the paper agreements that are used in linear time are not designed to support the individual, and are in fact designed to serve and protect banks, governments, and corporations and value that is collected from the people, the Universe is offering us a new way to protect value. This is called a Sacred Agreement.

A Sacred Agreement is a Living Agreement that is signed with the understanding that there are Higher Laws that will protect and support investments made by the individual. The purpose of the Sacred Agreement is to offer a whole new kind of experience to the individual, which was not available to them in the past. This experience is called a Miracle Experience, and it is designed to help the individual learn to make better choices, which would be based on what the Miracle Experience offers.

Because the Miracle Experience is not partial and protects the whole, by investing in a Sacred Agreement first, before any paper agreement is left solely in the hands of a paper institution, it is advisable to enter into a Sacred Agreement first. By doing this, the value of the individual will be protected. The purpose of this is to elevate the Value of the Self by placing this Value under the protection of Higher Law.

When an individual is considering making a paper investment, entering into a Sacred Agreement first would protect Self Value from any degradation that might be instigated by a lending institution. In a way, the Sacred Agreement could be looked at as being Miracle Self Assurance that offers a whole experience of miracle protection. Because in the material world we live in, our experience in value is mostly assigned to and by money, our Self Value has been limited by this fragmented belief. Thus, whole a Miracle Self Assurance Policy would allow us to invest in what we want without fear.

Money is not a story within itself because it is paper, it cannot actually tell any kind of story. Individuals tell stories, money cannot because it cannot think or understand anything. People think and understand. Money is a tool that is used in this world as a method of exchange.
Miracles can be used as a method of exchange as well. The difference is, a monetary exchange in paper value offers a limited experience. This kind of exchange places the emphasis on the value of money. On the other hand, a Miracle Exchange offers an experience in wholeness. By agreeing to understand that this is a whole new experience that assigns miracles on the individuals behalf, it allows one to become actively involved in a monetary exchange, but without the worry and stress that is generally associated with paper agreements and contracts.

In the past, it has always been the individual that has been responsible for covering all of the monetary angles to make sure that money was "paid back" to the lender. This meant that the individual was expected to "work hard" to get this money, or obtain it in any way possible. This always caused a lot of inner stress. The purpose of  Miracle Assurance is to give the individual access to the miracle means for the inner peace that comes from being in control of ones OWN life.

 The bondage issue that people have grown to expect to be responsible for when they became a mature adult is subject to paying back money. But we were not born to be placed into bondage for paper or money to supply abundance. Instead, we were born to assign our Creative Talent to enhance the collective, but we are NOT enhancing the collective because our Whole Creative Talent is being used to work hard to pay back money so we can try to live in an insane world that values paper more than the individual who uses it. 

Can you see that this IS the bondage issue? We are stuck in a totally ridiculous deceptive money sliding paper scale that does not account for our Self value because it has limited what we believe based on our personal experience regarding where our value lies. The belief in our personal responsibility in how to make money work for us is the greatest limiting factor in every experience we understand concerning our physical existence.

Have you heard about learning the value of a dollar?  Have you not learned that you must work hard to obtain the value of a dollar? How about your value? Where is the value of YOUR Creative Talent in all of this? We must learn that money serves our Creative Talent, not the other way around. Until we learn this, we will be in bondage to the deceptive paper society that has instilled this in our personal experiences. This brain washing began at a very early age through our personal experiences, and brain washing can be undone.

The miracle offers us a new kind of experience. It can see our Self Creative Talent that has been buried within. The miracle understands how to deny the personal paper value blocks that oppose this value, and then aligns our Real Inner Value with Wholeness. 

Remember that Wholeness is defined as Omniscience, or Whole Science. Whole Science leaves nothing out of the experience. Because Omniscience is protected by Living Law, and all paper law is in subjection to Living Law, everything that comes from Investing in a Sacred Agreement, or in a Miracle Assurance Policy, is protected by Living Law. In this, there is no-thing to worry or become stressed about.

At this point, I am merely offering that there is another way of looking at what we believe about how we use money. Because money serves value, if our paper agreements with banks and other institutions is serving the value of those who own and run these banks and institutions, then we indeed are in bondage to their value, not money. This deception is rampant in our collective society. We were created to serve our Creative Talent, and this Talent serves the Whole Collective. When we are not doing this, there will be stress. In effect, we have sold our soul for the money that we make to serve the lenders personal value, not ours. This deceptive value is full of lies and propaganda to keep us in bondage. Is the value of someone else who requires we be in bondage to them to maintain an artificial paper flow what we really want to serve? We are being given an alternative. We can choose a miracle experience instead.

We are offered the miracle means to serve our OWN personal value, instead of someone else. Thus, we will have to begin to use the means that are being offered to us to invest in this kind of experience. This is investing in the Whole Self, instead of investing in the value of someone else. 

First we learn to Self Invest. Once we learn our Self Value, then we will be ready to learn how to invest in our OWN Creative Talent. This is the One that has been buried under the paper society that we believe is real. It is not.

Stay tuned.

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Miracle Investments and Aligning With Living Law

Because collectively, our world is fearfully obliged to paper laws, we have collectively excluded the whole world from Living Law. Thus, the Living Law of Cause and Effect has been violated. In other words, because people adhere to the fearful and deceptive paper laws that protect the deceptive illusion, it is impossible for Living Law to protect the collective. It is important to keep in mind that paper laws are attempting to protect the darkness, or the illusion. They are designed to make us believe that it is the behavior of the body that is real, and not the Free Will expression of emotional integrity in the spirit.

Anytime an individual chooses to protect the external dark illusion over the Light within, there will be internal fear. This is because our reality is of the Light, not darkness. Anytime the darkness is chosen over the Light, the individual is protecting the paper laws that will attempt to make the individual guilty. Guilt, like fear, is an illusion. They are joined together in a dance of death that the body pays the price for with death. Just like paper law is an illusion, so is death.

The only Law that can protect the collective is Living Law. Immediate access to Living Law comes through miracles. This is because miracles are of the Light. Being only of the Light, they only adhere to Living Laws. By learning to invest in miracles, it will be possible to begin the process of reversing the Laws of Cause and Effect in our OWN mind, and thus collapsing the linear timeline that supports all the paper foundation that this world is sitting on. A paper grid that is supported by paper, must collapse. Individually, we will either choose to support the miracles that are offering us a new global and collective foundation, or we will continue to choose the fearful one that supports paper. This is our choice.

Miracles give us individually immediate access to Living Law. Thus, whenever we choose a miracle over fear, we have agreed to allow a Higher Being of Light within to access Living Law for us. This immediately places the individual under the Protection of Living Law. Thus, the Law of Cause and Effect goes into operation for the individual. Because the Law of Cause and Effect always protects Inner Truth or Self Value, the corrupted paper law must step aside, as it is an illusion of truth, and cannot compete with inner truth, or inner Value.

Learning through miracles can be done individually, or it can be done collectively. The Miracle Investment Club offers us the means to speed up the process of collapsing the paper laws that are supporting the illusion by collectively investing in what we really want.
The Miracle Investment Club works like this;

The Whole Universe has been waiting until the perfect time for it to be possible to offer our world the means to escape and restore Living Peace to our world. The Whole Universe is, not only watching how we collectively progress, it is also offering us valuable support. 

By accessing a specific Plan designed to link our world collectively with Higher Beings of Light, Higher Light Beings will access Living Law collectively for us. By overriding the collective guilt that exists within the collective, it will be possible for us to globally and collectively be protected by Living Law. Because our world collectively only has access to about 10% of the Light that exists in the Universe, and this Light has been fragmented all over the linear timeline, by looking to the Universal 90% of the Light that will be provided for us, we will have immediate access to Living Law.

You might wonder why all of the efforts at global peace have failed. This is because these efforts were not supported by Living Law. Living Law recognizes the Universal Identity of the Collective. This Collective carries a Universal Identity. No one has asked for this Collective Identity to be assigned to global peace. If they had, instead of using an individual paper identity, the Collective Identity would have been honored by Living Law, and there would be Peace on Earth.

The Universal Plan to bring whole collective value into One place at one space in time, will collapse the linear timeline that supports paper law. Once the paper that supports war collapses, there will be no more war. It is thus essential that the collective join together in a Universal Plan to unite and place the collective under the Higher Law of Cause and Effect. If there is no unnatural cause for war, ie paper that supports it, then there will be no effects of war.

You might wonder what will be the Cause then? Living Peace will be the Cause, and will also be the Effect. Thus, the cause of war in our world will no longer have any effect, as the collective will have chosen to invest in miracles instead of paper to define Peace on Earth, and good will towards all men.

Our world has strayed so far away from inner truth and journeyed so far into the illusion, if not for a Universal Plan, there would be no hope for our collectively world. Yet, our world has a Collective Universal Identity. It may be time to begin to explore this as a means to re-invent our world into what we want, instead of what we have been taught we must settle for.

Miracle Coaching and Consulting

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Miracles and Money

On the surface, it appears as though money and miracles have absolutely nothing in common, however this is not necessarily the case. Both money and miracles are learning tools. The difference is, money has been used to teach us how to work hard to make a living so we can have what we want in our physical experience. Thus, money appears to play a huge contribution to the human experience. Yet, when it comes right down to it, money is still just paper. It cannot "do" anything, as it is the individual must "do" something in order to have money.

On the other hand, miracles are Living Tools. We do not have to "do" anything when we ask for a miracle. In fact, doing anything will interfere with how the miracle works. When we ask for a miracle, it is the miracle that does the work, not us. This is will most likely prove to be the most difficult aspect of Miracle Investing, the belief that we have to do something in order to have a miracle work for us. Learning to "do" nothing with the body is what is required of us to prevent us from interfering with the miracle frequency. Even thinking what we should be doing with the body will interfere with the miracle frequency.

Most people believe in miracles, but they place their faith in money. For instance, if I had a thousand dollars in one hand, and in the other hand I had a miracle, you may believe in the miracle, but you would place your faith in the money. Miracles need to have access to our faith. For this reason, it is imperative to learn how to give personal belief to faith.

In the past, if we asked for a miracle to help us with a monetary problem, we would still look at money as a reference as being the problem. Money thus remains the problem, not one with the miracle solution. It is the obligation of the miracle to offer whole solutions. When we limit ourselves to asking for help with a problem, the problem remains a problem.

The miracle offers whole solutions to any problem we may have. If we hang onto our monetary problem, and have faith that money will answer our problem, then we are separating ourselves from the whole solution the miracle has to offer. As with all problems, the miracle solution cannot enter to solve said problem until all aspects of the problem have been turned over to the miracle. In the case of our finances, money is always presented as the problem, not the solution. Thus, the problem or your faith that money can answer your problem, must be released to the miracle solution. Miracle solutions must flow. If you hang onto your problem, then YOU are denying yourself access to the miracle solution. Miracles follow Living Law because they are a Living Tool.

What we have learned about money is backwards and is causing a backwards flow in time. This is an artificial flow that has been contrived by the banks to control the people. The Universe is giving the people the means to move the control of abundance back into our hands, but this cannot be done according to the paper laws that govern wealth and power in the world the way it has been set up by the bankers.

Miracles offer us a personal experience that is in alignment with Self Value. Once power has been shifted to Self Value, then money will flow. However, as long as money is looked at as a solution, the individual is attempting to flow outside of their OWN Self truth and reality.

Does this mean that miracle will not provide us with a monetary solution? The answer is no, but as long as we hang onto the faith that money can provide for us what miracles cannot, we will never find what we are looking for.

Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. Faith must be whole and complete to serve hope. Learning to release the problem to the solution is a Global Gift, not just to the Self, but to the whole world at large.

Changing the worlds view of wealth and abundance one miracle experience at a time is what we offer to the world. However, The Miracle Investment Club offers us a way to exchange limited bankers value that keeps the people in bondage, for Whole Global Value that will impact the whole world. This is the purpose of this blog.

Hang on, this information is not in alignment with anything we have been taught in the past. This information is being provided Universally to help the individual, along with the people of the world, take control of their OWN life without revolt, loss, or fear. Our cries for Help have been heard. It is now time to listen.


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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What a Miracle Investment is For

The purpose of miracles transcends the body experience. They also transcend the false linear time movement that teaches that we are on a physical journey that is defined in years. The Universal evidence that supports time is circular in movement, or a circle. Time is a circle, as in the face of a clock. The digital time that our world has adopted actually supports the deceptive linear time line, which is no longer being Universally protected, as it is time for our world to journey back across time and collect the Inno-Sense that has been lost in linear time. 

At this point, it is important to understand that the purpose of miracles has always been to stabilize linear time in order to protect our world and the people from extinction. Because the of the gross miscarriage of Higher Justice because of the deception that separated our world from its Source, a Universal Plan had to be implemented to maintain some kind of stability in the lives of the people. 

Thus, the many myths that surround Biblical Stories about a fearful god that judges individuals and punishes them for their evil deeds grew. This was part of the deception, and all of the blame that has been misdirected towards a fearful god, in actuality came from those who had instigated the great deception. Today, many people have awakened from the dream of a vengeful God, but there remains many abstract equations that do not quite add up. It is like an illusive story that never quite gets told in terms that people can relate to and understand. Because understanding is the Currency of the Universe, The Miracle Investment Club is based on the premise that it is possible to exchange monetary currency for a Miracle Investment, which will lead to the understanding that Inno-Sense would have grown into, had it been given a chance.

There is a saying, if you give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, he will be able to feed himself....something like that. This is kind of what we are being asked to do; learn to understand how to fish, or consciously join with miracles to think outside of the box. This is so we can become Collective Masters in the Real World. 

The Real World does not exist in linear time. This is where the illusion exists. The problem is, we cannot see the Real World because Inno-Sense was deceived into believing that there was something else.

This World is our Spiritual Inheritance, which was stolen from us at the time of the great deception. As we learn to collective shift the balance of power away from the deceptive illusion  by replacing the deceptive experience with a Miracle Experience, our personal understanding will grow,  and all of our personal questions will be answered.

By introducing miracles into linear time after the Great Flood, it was possible to protect our world and its people from being completely consumed by the great deception, as defined in the Biblical Story in Genesis. Without miracles, our world and the people who live in linear time, would have been lost forever in an illusion. However, at the exact moment the deception enter into the collective mind of Inno-Sense, or Adam and Eve, a Universal Plan was enacted to protect our world, as well as the people who live in it. 

In order for the deception to be planted firmly in our minds, time was rewound so false evidence could be planted in the Earth. This false evidence would allow our world to look to a deceptive source of evolution to define its reality. 

This false evidence was planted at the time of the Great Flood. This was also when linear time began. Because of the Great Flood eliminated the people who remembered how the world was before the Great Flood, the memories of the world before the Flood were destroyed. However, there were spiritual memories that entered into linear time. These were memories of collective Inno-Sense that were hidden in the Rainbow after the Great Flood. 

It would take 6000 linear years to begin the process of  wholly accessing these memories, and put together a whole picture of whole truth. This is the hidden truth that has been denied to the people because of collective separation from the Real Truth of our reality.

Please understand this was false evidence supports the deception. However, inside of every piece of false evidence there is a truth that has been buried inside. Hiding truth inside of a lie could only occur in a time and space that was not real. 

How do you brainwash an individual into believing the false evidence that they are being shown? You isolate them from their truth. This was what occurred after the deception, the collective was individually separated from the whole truth, and the brainwashing began.

Even at this, the people were not left helpless to the lie. This fact was realized, according to Biblical Stories, that there was indeed a Higher Plan to reach out of linear time and touch the wholeness of truth that had been saved for the people, so they could save the world.

The stories in the Old Testament in the Bible relates to the individuals who chose to hear this Higher Plan. This was even though at the time, these individuals did not realize that this was a Universal Plan that would eventually be offered to the whole world.

Those who chose to listen to the Universal Plan were introduced to miracles, Living Law, and they were also introduced to the Inno-Sense that had been deceived into trusting a lie. The only difference was, this Human was not deceived, and his Inno-Sense remained intact. For this reason, this Man was able to present and offer miracles in such a way that no one had ever been able to before.

This is the miracle ability that we individually have access to, but we do not remember. The Universal Plan that immediately was introduced after the great deception is specifically designed so that it is impossible for us to individually fail at regaining access to our Spiritual Inheritance, or what was promised to us in the beginning.

This World is our Kingdom. This is a Kingdom that must have a truthful foundation. This is truth that is founded on our Inno-Sense.....and so it is that we the people must learn to access the Universal Plan that was set into motion 7000 years ago to correct an error on the part of Inno-Sense.

The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Is a Paper Identity Real?

This is a blog about finding your OWN inner truth, as it is this truth that defines your Real Identity. Your Real Identity defines the Real Value that has been turned into paper value, or dollars, to invest in material wealth in this world.

Paper value, which comes from a paper identity or a paper birth certificate, has limited us to trust the limited value in paper. Anytime that individual unlimited value is exchanged for limited paper value, our Real Value, which defines our Real Identity, has been depreciated. Once our unlimited value has been depreciated into paper value, we are taught to use this limited means of exchange to invest in material value to support the limited body identity. These limitations ares taught through limited body experiences. These experiences begin as soon as we are given a paper identity shortly after our birth.

The problem with a paper identity is this; as soon as we take our first breath, we receive our Free Will. Our Free Will is unlimited potential. Anything that comes after the introduction of our Free Will is merely an attempt to interfere with and enslave our unlimited Free Will expression.

Free Will allows us to make choices. We can choose to express our Unlimited Universal Identity, or we can choose to express through a limited body. Between these two, there are no other choices. Although this fact will not be obvious to the individual that is using their free will to express through the body. It will appear that they are "doing" what the right thing. However, doing the right thing will always interfere with the unlimited Rights that are always available to the individual that has these Rights.

The means to restore and remember the individual Universal Rights that have been replaced with false paper value is through a miracle experience. The miracle experience is designed to take the place of the paper experience, thus completely undoing the limited paper value that has been tied to the identity of the body.

Because individual Free Will learns through experience, by offering a new kind of experience by using what is already being used and understood at the body level, it will be possible to teach through experience how paper value can be transmuted into miracle value. This transmutation is called Miracle Alchemy.

Being able to exchange paper value for Miracle Value is a huge lesson is understanding the unlimited potential in the Free Will. Because our Free Will is being used to keep us in bondage to paper laws that protect paper value, or money, a way had to be made that would allow people to individually escape this bondage without the normal feelings of loss that would accompany completely eliminating money as a means of exchange at the body level.

 Without the unlimited Power in individual Free Will, it would be impossible to even suggest this kind of exchange. However, because we are Independent Unlimited Expressions of Whole Perfect Universal Love, the opportunity to make miracle investments to consistently have a miracle experience, is not only possible, it is necessary. The miracle experience must replace every paper experience that has been individually accepted as reality. The more individual experiences miracles, the easier it will be to transform the whole world from false value into Real Value.

You are being invited to participate in a Miracle Global Project that will reshape and change everything we believed was possible for our world that was learned in the past. Because the benefits of Miracle Investing must be experienced to be appreciated, these benefits are impossible to explain.

It has taken many years to completely understand how to present this information. I was having a difficult time because I was making it about the money, and I was under the impression that people would just think I was in it to get the money. This did not sit well with me, and so I finally expressed this concern to the Source that had explained how to make Miracle Investments. This is what I was told;
"You merely present the information. You are not asking for money, but merely making a presentation to the people."
Ok, so you the people must choose. Either stay within the paper guidelines that is keeping the individual and the world enslaved to paper, or choose a miracle instead.