On the surface, it appears as though money and miracles have absolutely nothing in common, however this is not necessarily the case. Both money and miracles are learning tools. The difference is, money has been used to teach us how to work hard to make a living so we can have what we want in our physical experience. Thus, money appears to play a huge contribution to the human experience. Yet, when it comes right down to it, money is still just paper. It cannot "do" anything, as it is the individual must "do" something in order to have money.
On the other hand, miracles are Living Tools. We do not have to "do" anything when we ask for a miracle. In fact, doing anything will interfere with how the miracle works. When we ask for a miracle, it is the miracle that does the work, not us. This is will most likely prove to be the most difficult aspect of Miracle Investing, the belief that we have to do something in order to have a miracle work for us. Learning to "do" nothing with the body is what is required of us to prevent us from interfering with the miracle frequency. Even thinking what we should be doing with the body will interfere with the miracle frequency.
Most people believe in miracles, but they place their faith in money. For instance, if I had a thousand dollars in one hand, and in the other hand I had a miracle, you may believe in the miracle, but you would place your faith in the money. Miracles need to have access to our faith. For this reason, it is imperative to learn how to give personal belief to faith.
In the past, if we asked for a miracle to help us with a monetary problem, we would still look at money as a reference as being the problem. Money thus remains the problem, not one with the miracle solution. It is the obligation of the miracle to offer whole solutions. When we limit ourselves to asking for help with a problem, the problem remains a problem.
The miracle offers whole solutions to any problem we may have. If we hang onto our monetary problem, and have faith that money will answer our problem, then we are separating ourselves from the whole solution the miracle has to offer. As with all problems, the miracle solution cannot enter to solve said problem until all aspects of the problem have been turned over to the miracle. In the case of our finances, money is always presented as the problem, not the solution. Thus, the problem or your faith that money can answer your problem, must be released to the miracle solution. Miracle solutions must flow. If you hang onto your problem, then YOU are denying yourself access to the miracle solution. Miracles follow Living Law because they are a Living Tool.
What we have learned about money is backwards and is causing a backwards flow in time. This is an artificial flow that has been contrived by the banks to control the people. The Universe is giving the people the means to move the control of abundance back into our hands, but this cannot be done according to the paper laws that govern wealth and power in the world the way it has been set up by the bankers.
Miracles offer us a personal experience that is in alignment with Self Value. Once power has been shifted to Self Value, then money will flow. However, as long as money is looked at as a solution, the individual is attempting to flow outside of their OWN Self truth and reality.
Does this mean that miracle will not provide us with a monetary solution? The answer is no, but as long as we hang onto the faith that money can provide for us what miracles cannot, we will never find what we are looking for.
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. Faith must be whole and complete to serve hope. Learning to release the problem to the solution is a Global Gift, not just to the Self, but to the whole world at large.
Changing the worlds view of wealth and abundance one miracle experience at a time is what we offer to the world. However, The Miracle Investment Club offers us a way to exchange limited bankers value that keeps the people in bondage, for Whole Global Value that will impact the whole world. This is the purpose of this blog.
Hang on, this information is not in alignment with anything we have been taught in the past. This information is being provided Universally to help the individual, along with the people of the world, take control of their OWN life without revolt, loss, or fear. Our cries for Help have been heard. It is now time to listen.
All Rights Reserved
On the other hand, miracles are Living Tools. We do not have to "do" anything when we ask for a miracle. In fact, doing anything will interfere with how the miracle works. When we ask for a miracle, it is the miracle that does the work, not us. This is will most likely prove to be the most difficult aspect of Miracle Investing, the belief that we have to do something in order to have a miracle work for us. Learning to "do" nothing with the body is what is required of us to prevent us from interfering with the miracle frequency. Even thinking what we should be doing with the body will interfere with the miracle frequency.
Most people believe in miracles, but they place their faith in money. For instance, if I had a thousand dollars in one hand, and in the other hand I had a miracle, you may believe in the miracle, but you would place your faith in the money. Miracles need to have access to our faith. For this reason, it is imperative to learn how to give personal belief to faith.
In the past, if we asked for a miracle to help us with a monetary problem, we would still look at money as a reference as being the problem. Money thus remains the problem, not one with the miracle solution. It is the obligation of the miracle to offer whole solutions. When we limit ourselves to asking for help with a problem, the problem remains a problem.
The miracle offers whole solutions to any problem we may have. If we hang onto our monetary problem, and have faith that money will answer our problem, then we are separating ourselves from the whole solution the miracle has to offer. As with all problems, the miracle solution cannot enter to solve said problem until all aspects of the problem have been turned over to the miracle. In the case of our finances, money is always presented as the problem, not the solution. Thus, the problem or your faith that money can answer your problem, must be released to the miracle solution. Miracle solutions must flow. If you hang onto your problem, then YOU are denying yourself access to the miracle solution. Miracles follow Living Law because they are a Living Tool.
What we have learned about money is backwards and is causing a backwards flow in time. This is an artificial flow that has been contrived by the banks to control the people. The Universe is giving the people the means to move the control of abundance back into our hands, but this cannot be done according to the paper laws that govern wealth and power in the world the way it has been set up by the bankers.
Miracles offer us a personal experience that is in alignment with Self Value. Once power has been shifted to Self Value, then money will flow. However, as long as money is looked at as a solution, the individual is attempting to flow outside of their OWN Self truth and reality.
Does this mean that miracle will not provide us with a monetary solution? The answer is no, but as long as we hang onto the faith that money can provide for us what miracles cannot, we will never find what we are looking for.
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. Faith must be whole and complete to serve hope. Learning to release the problem to the solution is a Global Gift, not just to the Self, but to the whole world at large.
Changing the worlds view of wealth and abundance one miracle experience at a time is what we offer to the world. However, The Miracle Investment Club offers us a way to exchange limited bankers value that keeps the people in bondage, for Whole Global Value that will impact the whole world. This is the purpose of this blog.
Hang on, this information is not in alignment with anything we have been taught in the past. This information is being provided Universally to help the individual, along with the people of the world, take control of their OWN life without revolt, loss, or fear. Our cries for Help have been heard. It is now time to listen.
All Rights Reserved
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