If a world fell asleep for 6000 years, how long would it take for it to wake up? How long would it take for the people to realize that they have been asleep inside
of a dark dream that seems like reality? If a world fell asleep for 6000 years, would the people be willing to awaken, or would they want to stay asleep? If they stayed asleep, what would be their fate?
In Ecclesiastes the Bible states that there is nothing new under the sun. Although it appears that our world has advanced in technological achievements by leaps and bounds in the last 100 years, the fact remains that the problems that have plagued our world for thousands of years have not changed. There is still war, hate, depression, disease, intolerance, guilt, prejudice, and the fear that imprisons people to the past.
It could be said that the global communication we use today has perverted our world in ways that were not possible before technology. The world has become darker as the world has become smaller. Technology and global communication cannot solve a problem it is part of. Something else is needed.
Instead of a new thought movement, a new movement of thought would lead us collectively away from the dream. It would allow us to begin to question what we have been taught in the past is real.
Is it possible to question reality? Is it possible to question if the sun will come up in the morning?Because the sun coming up in the morning is not just a possibility, it is in fact reality. There are certainties that cannot be questioned, yet there is a reality that belongs to the people of our world that has been distorted in such a way, we question what is real and what isn't. It is time to look a little deeper into the half truths that have been presented as fact. The thing that we must begin to ask, is what has been presented as fact reasonable? If it is not, then it cannot be real.
Is war reasonable? How about disease? How about, is it reasonable to believe that the Universe would allow the Earth to be destroyed by a handful of men who had a lot of paper value? If this was possible, would it then be possible for these few men to control the whole Universe with their paper money? How powerless do we really believe the Universe is? Could it be that we have been deceived into believing the impossible because we have fallen so deeply asleep in darkness that the only way we can awaken is if Light enters the dream to awaken us?
The Earth is not in danger, as it is not controlled by the paper laws that protect those with the paper money. The Earth is protected by Living Law. Living Law does not see the darkness, as it does not see anything that opposes the Light. Living Law will destroy anything that does not support the Light, simply by withholding its support.
This does not appear to be a big deal, however once all Light is withdrawn from individuals who are not supported by Living Law. The only thing that would be left is darkness, along with the fear that supports it. Imagine a life of just fear without Light. What would be the caliber of life in a place such as this?
The protected time that had been allotted to our world has ended. This is because linear time has ended. Any attempts to continue walking down the same linear path, and expecting the same result will prove to be a mistake. What happens when you walk down a path where the only Light that exists is behind you? Would you not turn around and go back towards the Light?
We have made mistakes that we are responsible for recognizing. These mistakes are what define the linear timeline, not in truth or reality, but in our own mind. These mistakes carry the darkness that we as individuals must awaken from.
These mistakes are not real. That we believe they are real means that we have to awaken from the dream of our own making. What we have made, we can undo. The means to undo these fearful dreams are being given to us, but we must at least be willing to admit that perhaps we have been wrong.
The problem is, these dark errors are being protected by us. We protect them because we believe they are real. What we are protecting opposes Living Law. Reality does not need protection, as anything that does not harmonize with truth is simply eliminated because it lacks the content of truth to be identified as being such.
Living Law is a destructive force, in case you had not noticed. Have you noticed the intensity when you attempt to do something the way you used to do it in the past? Have you noticed that you feel ill at times? Do you recognize that you are feeling depressed more lately? These problems are coming from you.
If you attack the error in another you will hurt yourself. If you choose a material reward over your inner truth, you will suffer. If you judge, this judgment will be turned on you. When your words haunt you, it is because they are coming out of your darkness and are loaded with fear. If you wake up in the middle of the night with so much fear it is difficult to breath, this is the darkness that you are hiding from during the day.
This list goes on and on. Until you recognize that all problems in your life are in fact coming from you, and until your finger of blame settles on you, these problem will remain. Living Law will not protect you if you are wrong, and neither will karma. You cannot leave anything until you wholly Love it. Once you wholly Love something, you will know that you have, and then you can walk away.
These are internal problems and are indications that you are out of alignment with the Living Law that protects reality, and pressure will continue to build until Light has entered into the dream to set you free.
The time that we have entered comes with many blessings, but before the blessings there will be pain. This is pain of our own making. It is always our responsibility to take the first step by admitting that we have a problem. Until this occurs, we will attempt to either fix the problem by doing something we believe will help, or we will blame someone or something else. What kind of a Loving Universe would make our reality part of someone else's nightmare where we could do nothing except be angry?
It is time to wake up. If you are not ready to accept responsibility for the monkeys in your own circus, at least be willing to admit that this hell that we are living in could not possibly be reality.
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