Blog Archive

Monday, January 11, 2016

Is a Paper Identity Real?

This is a blog about finding your OWN inner truth, as it is this truth that defines your Real Identity. Your Real Identity defines the Real Value that has been turned into paper value, or dollars, to invest in material wealth in this world.

Paper value, which comes from a paper identity or a paper birth certificate, has limited us to trust the limited value in paper. Anytime that individual unlimited value is exchanged for limited paper value, our Real Value, which defines our Real Identity, has been depreciated. Once our unlimited value has been depreciated into paper value, we are taught to use this limited means of exchange to invest in material value to support the limited body identity. These limitations ares taught through limited body experiences. These experiences begin as soon as we are given a paper identity shortly after our birth.

The problem with a paper identity is this; as soon as we take our first breath, we receive our Free Will. Our Free Will is unlimited potential. Anything that comes after the introduction of our Free Will is merely an attempt to interfere with and enslave our unlimited Free Will expression.

Free Will allows us to make choices. We can choose to express our Unlimited Universal Identity, or we can choose to express through a limited body. Between these two, there are no other choices. Although this fact will not be obvious to the individual that is using their free will to express through the body. It will appear that they are "doing" what the right thing. However, doing the right thing will always interfere with the unlimited Rights that are always available to the individual that has these Rights.

The means to restore and remember the individual Universal Rights that have been replaced with false paper value is through a miracle experience. The miracle experience is designed to take the place of the paper experience, thus completely undoing the limited paper value that has been tied to the identity of the body.

Because individual Free Will learns through experience, by offering a new kind of experience by using what is already being used and understood at the body level, it will be possible to teach through experience how paper value can be transmuted into miracle value. This transmutation is called Miracle Alchemy.

Being able to exchange paper value for Miracle Value is a huge lesson is understanding the unlimited potential in the Free Will. Because our Free Will is being used to keep us in bondage to paper laws that protect paper value, or money, a way had to be made that would allow people to individually escape this bondage without the normal feelings of loss that would accompany completely eliminating money as a means of exchange at the body level.

 Without the unlimited Power in individual Free Will, it would be impossible to even suggest this kind of exchange. However, because we are Independent Unlimited Expressions of Whole Perfect Universal Love, the opportunity to make miracle investments to consistently have a miracle experience, is not only possible, it is necessary. The miracle experience must replace every paper experience that has been individually accepted as reality. The more individual experiences miracles, the easier it will be to transform the whole world from false value into Real Value.

You are being invited to participate in a Miracle Global Project that will reshape and change everything we believed was possible for our world that was learned in the past. Because the benefits of Miracle Investing must be experienced to be appreciated, these benefits are impossible to explain.

It has taken many years to completely understand how to present this information. I was having a difficult time because I was making it about the money, and I was under the impression that people would just think I was in it to get the money. This did not sit well with me, and so I finally expressed this concern to the Source that had explained how to make Miracle Investments. This is what I was told;
"You merely present the information. You are not asking for money, but merely making a presentation to the people."
Ok, so you the people must choose. Either stay within the paper guidelines that is keeping the individual and the world enslaved to paper, or choose a miracle instead.

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