The purpose of miracles transcends the body experience. They also transcend the false linear time movement that teaches that we are on a physical journey that is defined in years. The Universal evidence that supports time is circular in movement, or a circle. Time is a circle, as in the face of a clock. The digital time that our world has adopted actually supports the deceptive linear time line, which is no longer being Universally protected, as it is time for our world to journey back across time and collect the Inno-Sense that has been lost in linear time.
At this point, it is important to understand that the purpose of miracles has always been to stabilize linear time in order to protect our world and the people from extinction. Because the of the gross miscarriage of Higher Justice because of the deception that separated our world from its Source, a Universal Plan had to be implemented to maintain some kind of stability in the lives of the people.
Thus, the many myths that surround Biblical Stories about a fearful god that judges individuals and punishes them for their evil deeds grew. This was part of the deception, and all of the blame that has been misdirected towards a fearful god, in actuality came from those who had instigated the great deception. Today, many people have awakened from the dream of a vengeful God, but there remains many abstract equations that do not quite add up. It is like an illusive story that never quite gets told in terms that people can relate to and understand. Because understanding is the Currency of the Universe, The Miracle Investment Club is based on the premise that it is possible to exchange monetary currency for a Miracle Investment, which will lead to the understanding that Inno-Sense would have grown into, had it been given a chance.
There is a saying, if you give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, he will be able to feed himself....something like that. This is kind of what we are being asked to do; learn to understand how to fish, or consciously join with miracles to think outside of the box. This is so we can become Collective Masters in the Real World.
The Real World does not exist in linear time. This is where the illusion exists. The problem is, we cannot see the Real World because Inno-Sense was deceived into believing that there was something else.
This World is our Spiritual Inheritance, which was stolen from us at the time of the great deception. As we learn to collective shift the balance of power away from the deceptive illusion by replacing the deceptive experience with a Miracle Experience, our personal understanding will grow, and all of our personal questions will be answered.
By introducing miracles into linear time after the Great Flood, it was possible to protect our world and its people from being completely consumed by the great deception, as defined in the Biblical Story in Genesis. Without miracles, our world and the people who live in linear time, would have been lost forever in an illusion. However, at the exact moment the deception enter into the collective mind of Inno-Sense, or Adam and Eve, a Universal Plan was enacted to protect our world, as well as the people who live in it.
In order for the deception to be planted firmly in our minds, time was rewound so false evidence could be planted in the Earth. This false evidence would allow our world to look to a deceptive source of evolution to define its reality.
This false evidence was planted at the time of the Great Flood. This was also when linear time began. Because of the Great Flood eliminated the people who remembered how the world was before the Great Flood, the memories of the world before the Flood were destroyed. However, there were spiritual memories that entered into linear time. These were memories of collective Inno-Sense that were hidden in the Rainbow after the Great Flood.
It would take 6000 linear years to begin the process of wholly accessing these memories, and put together a whole picture of whole truth. This is the hidden truth that has been denied to the people because of collective separation from the Real Truth of our reality.
Please understand this was false evidence supports the deception. However, inside of every piece of false evidence there is a truth that has been buried inside. Hiding truth inside of a lie could only occur in a time and space that was not real.
How do you brainwash an individual into believing the false evidence that they are being shown? You isolate them from their truth. This was what occurred after the deception, the collective was individually separated from the whole truth, and the brainwashing began.
Even at this, the people were not left helpless to the lie. This fact was realized, according to Biblical Stories, that there was indeed a Higher Plan to reach out of linear time and touch the wholeness of truth that had been saved for the people, so they could save the world.
The stories in the Old Testament in the Bible relates to the individuals who chose to hear this Higher Plan. This was even though at the time, these individuals did not realize that this was a Universal Plan that would eventually be offered to the whole world.
Those who chose to listen to the Universal Plan were introduced to miracles, Living Law, and they were also introduced to the Inno-Sense that had been deceived into trusting a lie. The only difference was, this Human was not deceived, and his Inno-Sense remained intact. For this reason, this Man was able to present and offer miracles in such a way that no one had ever been able to before.
This is the miracle ability that we individually have access to, but we do not remember. The Universal Plan that immediately was introduced after the great deception is specifically designed so that it is impossible for us to individually fail at regaining access to our Spiritual Inheritance, or what was promised to us in the beginning.
This World is our Kingdom. This is a Kingdom that must have a truthful foundation. This is truth that is founded on our Inno-Sense.....and so it is that we the people must learn to access the Universal Plan that was set into motion 7000 years ago to correct an error on the part of Inno-Sense.
The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now.
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