Because collectively, our world is fearfully obliged to paper laws, we have collectively excluded the whole world from Living Law. Thus, the Living Law of Cause and Effect has been violated. In other words, because people adhere to the fearful and deceptive paper laws that protect the deceptive illusion, it is impossible for Living Law to protect the collective. It is important to keep in mind that paper laws are attempting to protect the darkness, or the illusion. They are designed to make us believe that it is the behavior of the body that is real, and not the Free Will expression of emotional integrity in the spirit.
Anytime an individual chooses to protect the external dark illusion over the Light within, there will be internal fear. This is because our reality is of the Light, not darkness. Anytime the darkness is chosen over the Light, the individual is protecting the paper laws that will attempt to make the individual guilty. Guilt, like fear, is an illusion. They are joined together in a dance of death that the body pays the price for with death. Just like paper law is an illusion, so is death.
The only Law that can protect the collective is Living Law. Immediate access to Living Law comes through miracles. This is because miracles are of the Light. Being only of the Light, they only adhere to Living Laws. By learning to invest in miracles, it will be possible to begin the process of reversing the Laws of Cause and Effect in our OWN mind, and thus collapsing the linear timeline that supports all the paper foundation that this world is sitting on. A paper grid that is supported by paper, must collapse. Individually, we will either choose to support the miracles that are offering us a new global and collective foundation, or we will continue to choose the fearful one that supports paper. This is our choice.
Miracles give us individually immediate access to Living Law. Thus, whenever we choose a miracle over fear, we have agreed to allow a Higher Being of Light within to access Living Law for us. This immediately places the individual under the Protection of Living Law. Thus, the Law of Cause and Effect goes into operation for the individual. Because the Law of Cause and Effect always protects Inner Truth or Self Value, the corrupted paper law must step aside, as it is an illusion of truth, and cannot compete with inner truth, or inner Value.
Learning through miracles can be done individually, or it can be done collectively. The Miracle Investment Club offers us the means to speed up the process of collapsing the paper laws that are supporting the illusion by collectively investing in what we really want.
The Miracle Investment Club works like this;
The Whole Universe has been waiting until the perfect time for it to be possible to offer our world the means to escape and restore Living Peace to our world. The Whole Universe is, not only watching how we collectively progress, it is also offering us valuable support.
By accessing a specific Plan designed to link our world collectively with Higher Beings of Light, Higher Light Beings will access Living Law collectively for us. By overriding the collective guilt that exists within the collective, it will be possible for us to globally and collectively be protected by Living Law. Because our world collectively only has access to about 10% of the Light that exists in the Universe, and this Light has been fragmented all over the linear timeline, by looking to the Universal 90% of the Light that will be provided for us, we will have immediate access to Living Law.
You might wonder why all of the efforts at global peace have failed. This is because these efforts were not supported by Living Law. Living Law recognizes the Universal Identity of the Collective. This Collective carries a Universal Identity. No one has asked for this Collective Identity to be assigned to global peace. If they had, instead of using an individual paper identity, the Collective Identity would have been honored by Living Law, and there would be Peace on Earth.
The Universal Plan to bring whole collective value into One place at one space in time, will collapse the linear timeline that supports paper law. Once the paper that supports war collapses, there will be no more war. It is thus essential that the collective join together in a Universal Plan to unite and place the collective under the Higher Law of Cause and Effect. If there is no unnatural cause for war, ie paper that supports it, then there will be no effects of war.
You might wonder what will be the Cause then? Living Peace will be the Cause, and will also be the Effect. Thus, the cause of war in our world will no longer have any effect, as the collective will have chosen to invest in miracles instead of paper to define Peace on Earth, and good will towards all men.
Our world has strayed so far away from inner truth and journeyed so far into the illusion, if not for a Universal Plan, there would be no hope for our collectively world. Yet, our world has a Collective Universal Identity. It may be time to begin to explore this as a means to re-invent our world into what we want, instead of what we have been taught we must settle for.
Miracle Coaching and Consulting
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