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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The 2nd Exodus

4000 years ago a cry went out from the people who had been enslaved in Egypt. The many were being forced into slavery to work for a few who appeared to hold the power over the many. This cry was so loud it was heard in the Heavens. The response from Heaven was, "Let my people go." I am sure everyone knows the rest of the story, yet how many relate this story to what is occurring today?

The fact that history repeats itself over and over again is not just a metaphor. The fact that it has taken 4000 years for the people of the whole world to have been placed in bondage to a few who seem to weld the power because they have the most money has not been lost on Heaven.

Do we really believe that this small group of people, who are attempting to take control of our world with paper can really accomplish this task? How much control is there really behind paper?

Take a look around globally and tell me how the materially made wars and politically assigned enforced taxes, and work ethics forced upon the people measure up to what is occurring with the unstable weather patterns that are afflicting our world. Who do we really believe is in control here, the few who are controlling the money, or is it possible that there is a Higher Authority in control here Who has heard the cry of the people for the second time, and is giving fair warning, to "Let the people go?"

Every 2000 years there is a major spiritual event that has occurred in our world, according to the Bible. The first major shifts in the Spiritual History of the world began 2000 years after the Great Flood. The event that led to the mass Exodus out of Egypt introduced Living Law, not just to the Jews, but to the whole world. Whenever a whole nation accepts a Whole Living Truth, it becomes One with the Whole World. Thus, when Living Law was introduced into the Nation of Israel, it became One with the people of the whole collective. In other words, the Living Words that define the Law became part of the history of our world.

If we fast forward 2000 years to the next event, a Man was born Who would be called the Prince of Peace. Okay, so what does this mean?

The Bible is not a religious book, it is one that defines a Spiritual Plan to correct an error that was recorded in the beginning. This error involved contaminating the Inno-Sense that would form an Innocent Foundation that a Whole World would be built on. Unfortunately, the Innocent, who were defined as Adam and Eve, were tempted into taking unto themselves a responsibility that would not only pronounce guilt and blame onto them, but this would continue on into the world we live in today.

The Plan to correct the original error was to last thousands of years, with every 2 thousand years introducing a major spiritual reform into our world to correct said error.

With the Birth of the Christ, the second part of the Plan was complete. This aspect of the Plan was to introduce Inno-Sense back into the world. The only way this could be done was if the Man was not tempted to accept any part of the deception that was introduced in the beginning. As it turned out, this Man was up for the challenge.

The Prince of Peace maintained His Inno-Sense even in the midst of betrayal and death. He did not lash out, nor did He blame. He simply remained peaceful, and in every situation He proclaimed His Inno-Sense and His Truth. Thus, the Foundation of Whole Peace was re-established in our world through this One Man's Inno-Sense.

If we fast forward another 2000 years, if we are in alignment with the Plan to liberate our world from the deception that occurred in the beginning, then the 2nd Coming of Christ, which everyone is waiting on, must occur after the 2nd Exodus. In other words, we cannot be liberated from what we believe and support to be our reality with no other recourse. Instead, we must be taught that there is another way, just as the people had to learn during the 1st Exodus.

The Living Laws that Moses introduced into our world have been set aside for material value, or paper dollars. Everything we believe in this world is subject to a false artificially produced monetary or paper flow. Paper cannot uphold Living Law because it cannot be emotionally influenced. However, we are deceptively emotionally influenced by the paper economy that seems to control us. Thus, we must relearn where real value comes from.

Have you ever heard that you are the treasure of Heaven? What do you think that means? Do you think that this might mean that your value can influence Heaven? If this is the case, is it possible that perhaps that you would want to establish this personal value by learning that there is another way to look at everything? This includes money?

The Second Coming of Christ will come, but not before we learn to honor our OWN Inno-Sense. A New Kingdom cannot be established if people do not understand how the Laws work that are assigned to this Kingdom. 4000 years ago, the Israelite's had to learn? Do we actually believe that we are better than them? Or could it be that more is expected of us than what was expected of them?

Before we can learn the Living Law that has been replaced with paper laws, there must first be a 2nd Exodus. This 2nd Exodus has been in the works for 6 thousand years. Wouldn't it be a pertinent question to ask what this Plan is, rather than expecting the King to show up before it is time? it logical or reasonable to believe that Heaven would expect us to live according to Living Law when we do not even understand what this means? If anything, truth is reasonable, and it is not reasonable to expect that individuals would be thrust into a reality they have not been prepared for.

We are all Royalty, as we are all the Inno-Sense of Heaven because we come from the same lineage. If we are going to rule a Kingdom, perhaps we first need to break free of the bondage issues that have enslaved us, and then we need to understand how the Law works so we can comply with it. Those who are waiting to be whisked away in some kind of a rapture, this is not going to happen overnight. Judging by past biblical references, everything is done with whole purpose and meaning. The people were always part of the process, and were always given an advanced warning, or some kind of invitation before any spiritual event occurred. Why would it be different today?

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