Even in our society, it is considered to be illegal for a tenant to sell a house that he is renting. Even paper laws will side with the real owners of the house, There are laws that provide the means to return said property to the appropriate owner.
In the beginning, the Earth was given to man to live on in peace and harmony. It was not deeded to him, and it certainly was not given to him to profit off of and destroy. Regardless of how the world views the Earth, it does not belong to an independent man, or even a group of men. It was given as a means for the whole world to prosper, become many, and fill the Earth.
This is the problem. Although the Earth was provided for our world to live on, what it was not given Rights to was the Spiritual Property Value that defines and protects Nature. This is invisible Universal Real Estate, which was not given to humankind, but was provided for humans to use.
The Natural Elements, which are defined as Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, are first defined in the abstract before they can be measured by form. These elements do not belong to our world, but have been used by the Planet Earth for thousands of years, or since the beginning. If the Natural Elements that surround the Planet Earth are withdrawn, the Earth and all its inhabitants will surely die.
The fact is, the Earth is a Universal Planet, and regardless of what this world believes, the Planet itself is protected by Living Law. These are the Living Laws that move through the Natural Elements that give life to the Planet Earth.
In the beginning, before the separation occurred, the Creator gave a commandment to the man and the woman, to become fruitful and fill the Earth. This commandment did not say that it would be permitted to sell the Natural Assets and Resources, while stealing the property and natural habitats of the animals that lived on the Planet Earth.
During the time it has taken to deface and mutilate the Planet Earth through a greedy need to possess global power, a society that agreed on paper laws was made in an effort to override the Living Laws that protected the Planet Earth, human kind, and the animals that live on her.
It has taken thousands of years for humankind to be indoctrinated into a false paper currency, which now is used in every nation of this world. Undoing the unnatural restrictions that have been placed on, not only the people and the animal life, but also on the Earth itself, will take a Universal Plan to release the people from their paper bondage, as well as providing the means to undo the property damage that has been done to the Planet Earth.
The people who agree that reform is necessary to save the world, as well as the Planet Earth, must come together in unity to protect the Earth from further damage, as well as provide a solution for the paper economic climate of the world that calls the Planet Earth Home.
This is obviously not a Plan that will come from this world, but in fact will come as a Universal Solution that has been thousands of years in the making. This Solution will prevent the economic paper collapse, as well as protect the Planet Earth by placing her under the Living Laws, which will restore her to perfect health, as was intended in the beginning.
The reason we are being given this opportunity to save ourselves and our world is because it is impossible to change an Executive Order Proclaimed by Higher Justice. All Higher Justice is protected by Living Law. Although the purpose of the Earth has always been to house our world, this never gave our world the right to destroy her for the purpose of material gain.
The One Who went to rest until the End of Days has awakened. The Living Laws that He assignes Living Property Value to has been defiled. and Living Law will ultimately destroy our world if we do not accept the Universal Help that is being offered.
The weather patterns that are assigned value by the Natural Elements will continue destroying our world until nothing remains, unless we the people unify and agree to accept the Universal Remedy that is being offered. This IS the ONLY PLAN that will work.
Having an effect on Living Laws that have already begin the process of destroying our world will call on the people to accept a Living Plan of Action,, while protecting the paper global economy from collapse, until a new medium of exchange is globally decided on.
Only God's Plan for the Salvation of the World will work. The sooner we the people accept this Plan, instead of attempting to assign our personal meaningless solutions to an overwhelming global problem, the faster we will begin to see the global results that we will be contributing to. This solution is not of our world. It is a Universal Solution that uses miracles for the transformative shift in global understanding.
Make no mistake, our world can be destroyed, but this was never the Plan. We have been given Help and Help that knows, but it is up to us to learn what this Help is, and then choose it. The fate of our world is in the new miracle choices that are being offered to the people.
In the beginning, the Earth was given to man to live on in peace and harmony. It was not deeded to him, and it certainly was not given to him to profit off of and destroy. Regardless of how the world views the Earth, it does not belong to an independent man, or even a group of men. It was given as a means for the whole world to prosper, become many, and fill the Earth.
This is the problem. Although the Earth was provided for our world to live on, what it was not given Rights to was the Spiritual Property Value that defines and protects Nature. This is invisible Universal Real Estate, which was not given to humankind, but was provided for humans to use.
The Natural Elements, which are defined as Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, are first defined in the abstract before they can be measured by form. These elements do not belong to our world, but have been used by the Planet Earth for thousands of years, or since the beginning. If the Natural Elements that surround the Planet Earth are withdrawn, the Earth and all its inhabitants will surely die.
The fact is, the Earth is a Universal Planet, and regardless of what this world believes, the Planet itself is protected by Living Law. These are the Living Laws that move through the Natural Elements that give life to the Planet Earth.
In the beginning, before the separation occurred, the Creator gave a commandment to the man and the woman, to become fruitful and fill the Earth. This commandment did not say that it would be permitted to sell the Natural Assets and Resources, while stealing the property and natural habitats of the animals that lived on the Planet Earth.
During the time it has taken to deface and mutilate the Planet Earth through a greedy need to possess global power, a society that agreed on paper laws was made in an effort to override the Living Laws that protected the Planet Earth, human kind, and the animals that live on her.
It has taken thousands of years for humankind to be indoctrinated into a false paper currency, which now is used in every nation of this world. Undoing the unnatural restrictions that have been placed on, not only the people and the animal life, but also on the Earth itself, will take a Universal Plan to release the people from their paper bondage, as well as providing the means to undo the property damage that has been done to the Planet Earth.
The people who agree that reform is necessary to save the world, as well as the Planet Earth, must come together in unity to protect the Earth from further damage, as well as provide a solution for the paper economic climate of the world that calls the Planet Earth Home.
This is obviously not a Plan that will come from this world, but in fact will come as a Universal Solution that has been thousands of years in the making. This Solution will prevent the economic paper collapse, as well as protect the Planet Earth by placing her under the Living Laws, which will restore her to perfect health, as was intended in the beginning.
The reason we are being given this opportunity to save ourselves and our world is because it is impossible to change an Executive Order Proclaimed by Higher Justice. All Higher Justice is protected by Living Law. Although the purpose of the Earth has always been to house our world, this never gave our world the right to destroy her for the purpose of material gain.
The One Who went to rest until the End of Days has awakened. The Living Laws that He assignes Living Property Value to has been defiled. and Living Law will ultimately destroy our world if we do not accept the Universal Help that is being offered.
The weather patterns that are assigned value by the Natural Elements will continue destroying our world until nothing remains, unless we the people unify and agree to accept the Universal Remedy that is being offered. This IS the ONLY PLAN that will work.
Having an effect on Living Laws that have already begin the process of destroying our world will call on the people to accept a Living Plan of Action,, while protecting the paper global economy from collapse, until a new medium of exchange is globally decided on.
Only God's Plan for the Salvation of the World will work. The sooner we the people accept this Plan, instead of attempting to assign our personal meaningless solutions to an overwhelming global problem, the faster we will begin to see the global results that we will be contributing to. This solution is not of our world. It is a Universal Solution that uses miracles for the transformative shift in global understanding.
Make no mistake, our world can be destroyed, but this was never the Plan. We have been given Help and Help that knows, but it is up to us to learn what this Help is, and then choose it. The fate of our world is in the new miracle choices that are being offered to the people.
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