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Monday, January 18, 2016

Sacred Agreements and a Miracle Assurance Policy

A Sacred Agreement is a Living Agreement. It is designed to replace the paper agreements that we have learned to make in linear time. Because the paper agreements that are used in linear time are not designed to support the individual, and are in fact designed to serve and protect banks, governments, and corporations and value that is collected from the people, the Universe is offering us a new way to protect value. This is called a Sacred Agreement.

A Sacred Agreement is a Living Agreement that is signed with the understanding that there are Higher Laws that will protect and support investments made by the individual. The purpose of the Sacred Agreement is to offer a whole new kind of experience to the individual, which was not available to them in the past. This experience is called a Miracle Experience, and it is designed to help the individual learn to make better choices, which would be based on what the Miracle Experience offers.

Because the Miracle Experience is not partial and protects the whole, by investing in a Sacred Agreement first, before any paper agreement is left solely in the hands of a paper institution, it is advisable to enter into a Sacred Agreement first. By doing this, the value of the individual will be protected. The purpose of this is to elevate the Value of the Self by placing this Value under the protection of Higher Law.

When an individual is considering making a paper investment, entering into a Sacred Agreement first would protect Self Value from any degradation that might be instigated by a lending institution. In a way, the Sacred Agreement could be looked at as being Miracle Self Assurance that offers a whole experience of miracle protection. Because in the material world we live in, our experience in value is mostly assigned to and by money, our Self Value has been limited by this fragmented belief. Thus, whole a Miracle Self Assurance Policy would allow us to invest in what we want without fear.

Money is not a story within itself because it is paper, it cannot actually tell any kind of story. Individuals tell stories, money cannot because it cannot think or understand anything. People think and understand. Money is a tool that is used in this world as a method of exchange.
Miracles can be used as a method of exchange as well. The difference is, a monetary exchange in paper value offers a limited experience. This kind of exchange places the emphasis on the value of money. On the other hand, a Miracle Exchange offers an experience in wholeness. By agreeing to understand that this is a whole new experience that assigns miracles on the individuals behalf, it allows one to become actively involved in a monetary exchange, but without the worry and stress that is generally associated with paper agreements and contracts.

In the past, it has always been the individual that has been responsible for covering all of the monetary angles to make sure that money was "paid back" to the lender. This meant that the individual was expected to "work hard" to get this money, or obtain it in any way possible. This always caused a lot of inner stress. The purpose of  Miracle Assurance is to give the individual access to the miracle means for the inner peace that comes from being in control of ones OWN life.

 The bondage issue that people have grown to expect to be responsible for when they became a mature adult is subject to paying back money. But we were not born to be placed into bondage for paper or money to supply abundance. Instead, we were born to assign our Creative Talent to enhance the collective, but we are NOT enhancing the collective because our Whole Creative Talent is being used to work hard to pay back money so we can try to live in an insane world that values paper more than the individual who uses it. 

Can you see that this IS the bondage issue? We are stuck in a totally ridiculous deceptive money sliding paper scale that does not account for our Self value because it has limited what we believe based on our personal experience regarding where our value lies. The belief in our personal responsibility in how to make money work for us is the greatest limiting factor in every experience we understand concerning our physical existence.

Have you heard about learning the value of a dollar?  Have you not learned that you must work hard to obtain the value of a dollar? How about your value? Where is the value of YOUR Creative Talent in all of this? We must learn that money serves our Creative Talent, not the other way around. Until we learn this, we will be in bondage to the deceptive paper society that has instilled this in our personal experiences. This brain washing began at a very early age through our personal experiences, and brain washing can be undone.

The miracle offers us a new kind of experience. It can see our Self Creative Talent that has been buried within. The miracle understands how to deny the personal paper value blocks that oppose this value, and then aligns our Real Inner Value with Wholeness. 

Remember that Wholeness is defined as Omniscience, or Whole Science. Whole Science leaves nothing out of the experience. Because Omniscience is protected by Living Law, and all paper law is in subjection to Living Law, everything that comes from Investing in a Sacred Agreement, or in a Miracle Assurance Policy, is protected by Living Law. In this, there is no-thing to worry or become stressed about.

At this point, I am merely offering that there is another way of looking at what we believe about how we use money. Because money serves value, if our paper agreements with banks and other institutions is serving the value of those who own and run these banks and institutions, then we indeed are in bondage to their value, not money. This deception is rampant in our collective society. We were created to serve our Creative Talent, and this Talent serves the Whole Collective. When we are not doing this, there will be stress. In effect, we have sold our soul for the money that we make to serve the lenders personal value, not ours. This deceptive value is full of lies and propaganda to keep us in bondage. Is the value of someone else who requires we be in bondage to them to maintain an artificial paper flow what we really want to serve? We are being given an alternative. We can choose a miracle experience instead.

We are offered the miracle means to serve our OWN personal value, instead of someone else. Thus, we will have to begin to use the means that are being offered to us to invest in this kind of experience. This is investing in the Whole Self, instead of investing in the value of someone else. 

First we learn to Self Invest. Once we learn our Self Value, then we will be ready to learn how to invest in our OWN Creative Talent. This is the One that has been buried under the paper society that we believe is real. It is not.

Stay tuned.

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